Wednesday, July 14, 2010

poop patrol

Warning:  the images you are about to see are extremely graphic.  Some people may find them disturbing, even disgusting.  Please proceed with caution.

It's fairly predictable.  Whenever I take Zuzu for her 7am walk she heads for our big beech tree where she takes break number 1 (a peepee).  At the sidewalk we head left for about 15 yards and she starts sniffing for a spot, on the spit of grass between the sidewalk and the street in front of our house.   Interestingly, she never takes break number 2 (a poopie) at home.  No, she much prefers to cross the driveway to our neighbor Jerry's grass.  Every time. 

Personally,  I prefer the comfort of home - unless I happen to find myself in a fancy restaurant or hotel, where I always make it a point to visit the facilities.   I suppose it's much the same for Zuzu, she prefers luxury - a well-manicured lawn when she can find one, sans weeds.  And Jerry does an enviable job of tending his lawn.  In fact, Jerry, who is retired, is out there every day, sweeping the sidewalk, cutting the grass, tending to his curb appeal.  Who can blame Zuzu for wanting the best? I always worry that Jerry is looking...and thinking "here comes the poop machine".  But the sweetheart that he is,  if he is out there, he just wants Zuzu to give him some love.  

She also seems to have a penchant for pooping in front of white picket fences. 

It seems Zuzu is not the only one looking for a picturesque spot to do her business.  I spotted this one on a walk in Santa Monica a few days ago.

Isn't that a pretty gate?  The dropping was actually part of a giant chain of poo (of which I have spared you the complete picture).  Nasty, and remarkably, left right in front of someone's multi-million-dollar-mansion.   Why?  My husband's theory -

1 comment:

  1. The white vinyl picket fence can transform the look of your home. You get the same classic style, but without the maintenance and cost of traditional wooden picket fencing.

    White Fence
